5 Tips for a Sober St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s day is a well-known “drinking holiday.” Sometimes these events can create a desire to drink and just be part of the fun, but no single day is worth a hard-fought sobriety. If you are feeling left out or thinking about drinking for the holiday, here is our list of 5 tips for a sober St. Patrick’s Day.
1. Remember Rock Bottom
Remember what rock bottom felt like? Remind yourself that a single party day or celebration is never worth starting over again. No matter how many days, months or years you have sober, it’s too many to throw away on a fake holiday. In order to have a sober St. Patrick's day, you will need to find your inner motivation and recommit to your new sober life.
2. Plan a Sober Celebration At Home
If you have a solid community of supporters and friends who don’t drink, or would happily forgo a drink to celebrate with you, plan a night in and celebrate in new ways. Have some Irish food, play games, and invent new drinks that are fun and delicious without alcohol.
3. Find a Sober Celebration Around Town
Because St. Patrick’s Day is recognized as a binge-drinking holiday, many college campuses and city events are now sober to encourage people NOT to drink. You may be able to find fun sober St. Patrick's day celebrations and plan a day with friends.
4. Go to a Meeting
It’s always a good idea to hit a meeting for situations that may trigger drinking. Holidays like St. Patrick's day are definitely a trigger for many people. Talk through your feelings with the group and support each other before the day arrives.
5. Plan Exit Strategies
Make a plan to decline invitations to parties and offers of alcohol. If you take the time to plan out what you will say, you will be more at ease when the time comes. Use humor to deflect uncomfortable situations, if that feels right for you. Whatever the plan is, having a plan will give you confidence.
Staying sober on days like St. Patrick’s day is possible with the right tools, support, and motivation. My Recovery Store is here to be a resource for you on your recovery journey. If you want to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in a new way, check out our inventory of coins, books, jewelry and gifts!